Halloween Edition: Monster DIY Set
Let the kids release their creative juices with this Halloween Monster DIY Kit, designing their very own monster cookies, the kit includes:
- Blank Monster Cookie x 1 pc
- Blank Eye, Mouth Cookie x 8 pcs
- 4 chocolate pens of your choices (White / Black / Green / Red / Orange / Brown / Purple)
*The chocolate pens are manufactured in Hong Kong and they are reusable
- 1 box with Halloween ribbon
We will confirm the delivery date with you once the order is placed via email or Whatsapp.
1件 怪獸牛油曲奇
- 8件眼睛,嘴巴牛油曲奇
- 4支朱古力筆(可以從以下七個顏色中選擇4支: 黑, 白,紅,綠,橙, 啡色,紫)
朱古力筆是由香港製造, 亦可循環再用 - 1個白色包裝盒連萬聖節絲帶裝飾